The universal JSON Schema index, bringing together and supercharging the world's open-source schemas

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usnistgovU.S. National Institute of Standards and TechnologyDepartment of Commerce
serverlessworkflowServerless WorkflowCNCF Serverless Workflow Ecosystem
riskineRiskineTo create the customer-centric advisory of the future
pb33fPrincess Beef Heavy IndustriesBeautiful, robust, and industrial strength developer tools and libraries. Proudly made in the USA.
ossfOpen Source Security FoundationA community of software developers and security engineers who are working together to secure open source software for the greater public good
openapiOpenAPIThe world's most widely used API description standard
octueOctueSoftware developer for the renewables industry
nasaNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationThe United States' government agency responsible for leading advancements in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research
movielabsMotion Picture LaboratoriesA Technology Joint Venture of the Major Hollywood Studios
manfredManfredThe Job Platform for those who are not looking for a job
krakendKrakenD API GatewayAn open-source API Gateway that helps you effortlessly adopt microservices and secure communications
jsrJSRThe open-source package registry for modern JavaScript and TypeScript
jsonschemaJSON SchemaThe organisation responsible for the JSON Schema specification
iptcIPTCThe global standards body of the news media. We provide the technical foundation for the news ecosystem
humancellatlasHuman Cell AtlasAn open international collaboration to create comprehensive reference maps of all human cells
hl7Health Level Seven International (HL7)A range of global standards for the transfer of clinical and administrative health
geojsonGeoJSONA format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures
datsData Tag Suite (DATS)A data model for describing datasets
cloudeventsCloudEventsA specification for describing event data in a common way
asyncapiAsyncAPI InitiativeBuilding the future of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA)
apis-jsonAPIs.jsonThe API discovery format