Draft4user.jsonPersonThis schema is for describing a registered User in Cordra.
Draft4unitofmeasurement.jsonUnitOfMeasurementThis schema is for describing a Units of Measurement in Cordra.
Draft4tabulardatapackage.jsonTabularDataPackageThis schema is for describing a TabularDataPackage in Cordra.
Draft4tabulardata.jsonTabularDataThis schema is for depositing and describing tabular data in Cordra. This schema leverages the Frictionless Data Table Schema.
Draft4study.jsonStudyThis schema is for describing a Study in Cordra.
Draft4softwaresourcecode.jsonSoftwareSourceCodeThis schema is for describing a Software Source Code in Cordra.
Draft4softwareapplication.jsonSoftwareApplicationThis schema is for describing a Software Application in Cordra.
Draft4project.jsonProjectThis schema is for describing a Project in Cordra.
Draft4processprotocol.jsonProcessProtocolThis schema is for describing an experimental protocol for creating and processing a material.
Draft4processhistory.jsonProcessHistoryThis schema is for describing the processing history of a material.
Draft4place.jsonPlaceThis schema is for describing a Place in Cordra.
Draft4person.jsonPersonThis schema is for describing a Person in Cordra.
Draft4organization.jsonOrganizationThis schema is for describing an Organization in Cordra.
Draft4materialstructure.jsonMaterialStructureThis schema is for depositing and describing a Material Structure measurement or prediction in Cordra.
Draft4materialproperty.jsonMaterialPropertyThis schema is for depositing and describing a MaterialProperty in Cordra.
Draft4materialperformance.jsonMaterialPerformanceThis schema is for depositing and describing a Material Performance Quantity in Cordra.
Draft4material.jsonMaterialThis form is for describing any measurable substance (e.g., sample, specimen, material, chemical, etc.), or a specific sup-sample (e.g., location on a larger artifact, sub-portion of a larger artifact, item within a collection of specimens, etc.).
Draft4instrumentaction.jsonInstrumentActionThis schema is for describing an Instrument Action Entry in Cordra.
Draft4instrument.jsonInstrumentThis form is for describing an instrument and components/parts of an instrument. Instruments and parts are linked by their identifier.
Draft4group.jsonGroupThis schema is for creating a group of authenticated users in Cordra for the purpose of access control.
Draft4form.jsonFormThis schema is for depositing and describing a UI Form definition in Cordra.
Draft4file.jsonFileThis schema is for depositing and describing a file in Cordra.
Draft4experiment.jsonExperimentThis schema is for describing a Experiment in Cordra.
Draft4dutyaction.jsonDutyActionThis schema is for describing an Duty Action Entry in Cordra.
Draft4definedtermset.jsonDefinedTermSetThis schema is for describing a Defined Term Set in Cordra.
Draft4definedterm.jsonDefinedTermThis schema is for describing a Defined Term in Cordra.
Draft4dataset.jsonDatasetThis schema is for describing a Dataset in Cordra.
Draft4dataformat.jsonDataFormatThis schema is for describing a Data Format in Cordra.
Draft4datacatalog.jsonDataCatalogThis schema is for creating and describing a Data Catalog in Cordra.
Draft4comment.jsonCommentThis schema is for representing a Comment in Cordra.
Draft4collection.jsonCollectionThis schema is for creating a collection (i.e., a folder), which can contain of files, datasets, collections, samples, instruments, etc.
Draft4citation.jsonCitationThis schema is for describing a Citation in Cordra