| spectral | - | - |
| additionalinfo.schema.json | Comments | Comments that are not summarized elsewhere in schema |
| alert.schema.json | Alert | Alert Information description properties of this notice |
| datetime.schema.json | DateTime | Time descriptions of transient event and observation |
| detectorstatus.schema.json | DetectorStatus | Status of a specified detector at the time of the alert |
| distance.schema.json | Distance | Luminosity Distance |
| duration.schema.json | Duration | - |
| event.schema.json | Event Information | Name or names of the event |
| followup.schema.json | FollowUp | Schema specific to follow-up cases |
| geolocbase.schema.json | Spacecraft Geolocation and McIlwain L | Enables GCN providers to include spacecraft geolocation and McIlwain L-Parameter. |
| hardnessratio.schema.json | HardnessRatio | Hardness Ratio parameterization |
| localization.schema.json | Localization | Localization of transient |
| pointing.schema.json | Instrument Pointing | Instrument pointing and rotational rates. |
| redshift.schema.json | Redshift | Redshift measure of transient |
| reporter.schema.json | Reporter | Alert Reporter instrument |
| statistics.schema.json | Statistics | statistical measures of source significance or classification |