| pubsub | - | - |
| amqp | - | - |
Draft7 | static-filesystem.json | Static Filesystem | Enterprise only. Allows you to fetch and serve static content from the disk instead of a remote server, and you can use it to mock data.
See: https://www.krakend.io/docs/enterprise/endpoints/serve-static-content/ |
Draft7 | soap.json | SOAP Template modifier | Enterprise only. Build and modify requests to communicate with SOAP services.
See: https://www.krakend.io/docs/backends/soap/ |
Draft7 | lambda.json | AWS Lambda functions | Invoke Amazon Lambda functions on a KrakenD endpoint call.
See: https://www.krakend.io/docs/backends/lambda/ |
Draft7 | http_client.json | HTTP Client options | Enterprise only. Allows you to set the different HTTP client options with the backend, like TLS, no redirect or connect via a proxy.
See: https://www.krakend.io/docs/enterprise/backends/http-client/ |
Draft7 | grpc.json | gRPC backend connection | Enterprise only. Handles the communication with a backend using gRPC, after having defined the protocol buffer definitions.
See: https://www.krakend.io/docs/enterprise/backends/grpc/ |
Draft7 | graphql.json | GraphQL | Convert REST endpoints to GraphQL calls (adapter/transformer) |