Draft7wildcard.jsonWildcardEnterprise only. Enables wildcard processing of requests without declaring all endpoint subresrouces. See:
Draft7virtualhost.jsonVirtualHostEnterprise only. The Virtual Host plugin allows you to run different configurations of KrakenD endpoints based on the host accessing the server. See:
Draft7url-rewrite.jsonURL rewriteEnterprise only. Allows you to declare additional URLs other than the ones defined under the endpoints configuration, used as aliases of existing endpoints. See:
Draft7static-filesystem.jsonStatic FilesystemEnterprise only. Allows you to fetch and serve static content in two different use cases. When the plugin is used as an http server handler, the static content is for your end-users, giving them CSS, JS, images, or JSON files, to name a few examples. On the other side, when the plugin is used as an http client executor, the KrakenD endpoints use static content as if it were a backend. See:
Draft7response-schema-validator.jsonResponse Schema ValidatorEnterprise only. The response schema validator plugin adds a schema validation before the gateway returns the response to the end-user or before it’s merged in the endpoint with the rest of the backends. See:
Draft7req-resp-modifier.jsonRequest-Response modifier plugins-
Draft7redis-ratelimit.jsonRedis ratelimitEnterprise only. The global rate limit functionality enables a Redis database store to centralize all KrakenD node counters. Instead of having each KrakenD node count its hits, the counters are global and stored in the database. See:
Draft7jwk-aggregator.jsonJWK aggregatorEnterprise only. The JWK aggregator plugin allows KrakenD to validate tokens issued by multiple Identity Providers. See:
Draft7ip-filter.jsonIP filterEnterprise only. The IP filtering plugin allows you to restrict the traffic to your API gateway based on the IP address. It works in two different modes (allow or deny) where you define the list of IPs (CIDR blocks) that are authorized to use the API, or that are denied from using the API. See:
Draft7http-server.jsonHTTP Server plugins. See:
Draft7http-client.jsonHTTP client plugins. See:
Draft7geoip.jsonGeoIPEnterprise only. The GeoIP integration allows you load Maxmind's GeoIP2 City database (payment and free versions) and enrich all KrakenD calls to your backends with geo data. See:
Draft7content-replacer.jsonContent ReplacerEnterprise only. The content replacer plugin allows you to modify the response of your services by doing literal replacements or more sophisticated replacements with regular expressions. See: See: