Draft7validator.jsonJWT validatorProtect endpoints from public usage by validating JWT tokens generated by any industry-standard OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration. See:
Draft7signer.jsonJWT signercreates a wrapper for your login endpoint that signs with your secret key the selected fields of the backend payload right before returning the content to the end-user. See:
Draft7revoker.jsonRevoke ServerThe API Gateway authorizes users that provide valid tokens according to your criteria, but at some point, you might want to change your mind and decide to revoke JWT tokens that are still valid.
Draft7ntlm.jsonNTLM AuthenticationEnterprise only. Enables NTLM authentication between KrakenD and a Microsoft server such as Dynamics. See:
Draft7jose.json-Enables global configurations for the HTTP client responsible of downloading and caching the JWK URLs for token validation and signing.
Draft7gcp.jsonGCP AuthenticationEnterprise only. Enables GCP authentication between KrakenD and Google Cloud service account. See:
Draft7client-credentials.jsonOAuth2 client-credentials2-legged OAuth2 flow: Request to your authorization server an access token to reach protected resources. See:
Draft7basic.json-Enterprise only. The Basic Authentication component protects the access to selected endpoints using basic username and password credentials. See:
Draft7api-keys.jsonAPI-key AuthenticationEnterprise only. Enables a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mechanism by reading the `Authorization` header of incoming requests. See: