Draft4time_unit_ontology.jsontime_unit_ontologyA term that may be associated with a time unit-related ontology term
Draft4strain_ontology.jsonstrain_ontologyA term that may be associated with a strain-related ontology term
Draft4species_ontology.jsonspecies_ontologyA term that may be associated with a species-related ontology term
Draft4protocol_type_ontology.jsonprotocol_type_ontologyA term that may be associated with a protocol-related ontology term
Draft4process_type_ontology.jsonprocess_type_ontologyA term that may be associated with a process-related ontology term
Draft4organ_part_ontology.jsonorgan_part_ontologyA term that may be associated with an anatomy-related ontology term
Draft4organ_ontology.jsonorgan_ontologyA term that may be associated with an anatomy-related ontology term.
Draft4mass_unit_ontology.jsonmass_unit_ontologyA term that may be associated with a cell type-related ontology term
Draft4length_unit_ontology.jsonlength_unit_ontologyA term that may be associated with a cell type-related ontology term
Draft4instrument_ontology.jsoninstrument_ontologyA term that may be associated with a instrument-related ontology term
Draft4ethnicity_ontology.jsonethnicity_ontologyA term that may be associated with a ethnicity-related ontology term
Draft4disease_ontology.jsondisease_ontologyA term that may be associated with a disease-related ontology term
Draft4development_stage_ontology.jsondevelopment_stage_ontologyA term that may be associated with a development stage-related ontology term
Draft4cell_type_ontology.jsoncell_type_ontologyA term that may be associated with a cell type-related ontology term
Draft4cell_cycle_ontology.jsoncell_cycle_ontologyA term that may be associated with a cell cycle-related ontology term
Draft4biological_macromolecule_ontology.jsonbiological_macromolecule_ontologyA term that may be associated with a biological macromolecule-related ontology term