Draft4 | state_of_specimen.json | state_of_specimen | State of body part at collection and how it was preserved after removal and/or cell enrichment |
Draft4 | preservation_storage.json | preservation_storage | Information relating to how a biomaterial was preserved and/or stored over a period of time. |
Draft4 | mus_musculus_specific.json | mus_musculus_specific | Information specific to an organism that is a mouse (mus musculus). |
Draft4 | medical_history.json | medical_history | Information about the medical history of an organism. |
Draft4 | homo_sapiens_specific.json | homo_sapiens_specific | Information specific to an organism that is a homo sapiens. |
Draft4 | growth_conditions.json | growth_conditions | Information relating to how a biomaterial was grown and/or maintained in a laboratory setting. |
Draft4 | familial_relationship.json | familial_relationship | Information about other organisms that this organism is related to. |
Draft4 | death.json | death | Information relating to the death of an organism. |
Draft4 | cell_morphology.json | cell_pathology | Information relating to pathological features of cells. |