Draft4 | treatment_schema.json | DATS treatment schema | Process, part of a study, consisting in exposing participants to the study to different conditions or group those participants into different categories based on specific criteria and compare their outcomes |
Draft4 | taxonomic_info_schema.json | DATS organism schema | A living entity. |
Draft4 | study_schema.json | DATS study schema | Process to acquire data on a sample and attempt to draw conclusions about the population the sample has been selected from, executing a plan and design. |
Draft4 | study_group_schema.json | DATS study group schema | A collection of entities known as study subjects based on a set of specified criteria and rules; synonyms: population, cohort. |
Draft4 | software_schema.json | DATS software schema | A digital entity containing sets of instructions and operation, which allows computation and operation of and by computer. |
Draft4 | related_identifier_info_schema.json | DATS related identifier information schema | Information about an idenfier of related resources. |
Draft4 | publication_schema.json | DATS publication schema | A (digital) document made available by a publisher. |
Draft4 | provenance_schema.json | Internal DATS provenance schema | The provenance information kept in DataMed. This schema is for internal use in DataMed and not to be implemented by repositories. |
Draft4 | place_schema.json | DATS place schema | A spatially bounded entity. |
Draft4 | person_schema.json | DATS person schema | A human being |
Draft4 | organization_schema.json | DATS organization schema | Legal or physical entity corresponding to a business or administration. |
Draft4 | molecular_entity_schema.json | DATS molecular entity schema | A physical entity of molecular scales such as proteins, nucleic acids, chemical materials. They can be abiotic, biological or synthetic origin. |
Draft4 | material_schema.json | DATS material schema | A physical entity. |
Draft4 | license_schema.json | DATS license schema | A legal document giving official permission to do something with a Resource. It is assumed that an external vocabulary will describe with sufficient granularity the permission for redistribution, modification, derivation, reuse, etc. and conditions for citation/acknowledgment. |
Draft4 | instrument_schema.json | DATS instrument schema | An entity that helps an agent perform an activity. |
Draft4 | identifier_info_schema.json | DATS identifier information schema | Information about the primary identifier. |
Draft4 | grant_schema.json | DATS grant schema | An allocated sum of funds given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose. |
Draft4 | genome_location_schema.json | GenomeLocation | Location of a sequence object used both by display, and by jbrowse to render a browser. The addition to DATS uses the genomeLocation as defined by AGR [https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_schemas/blob/develop/gene/genomeLocation.json] |
Draft4 | disease_schema.json | DATS disease schema | A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location. |
Draft4 | dimension_schema.json | DATS dimension schema | A feature of an entity, i.e. an individual measurable property (both quantitative or qualitative) of the entity being observed. |
Draft4 | date_info_schema.json | DATS date information schema. | Information about a calendar date or timestamp indicating day, month, year and time of an event. |
Draft4 | dataset_schema.json | DATS Dataset Schema | A set of dimensions about an entity being observed. A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more formats (from DCAT: http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/#Class:_Dataset). A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest (from: http://schema.org/Dataset). |
Draft4 | dataset_distribution_schema.json | DATS dataset distribution schema | (From DCAT) Represents a specific available form of a dataset. Each dataset might be available in different forms, these forms might represent different formats of the dataset or different endpoints. Examples of distributions include a downloadable CSV file, an API or an RSS feed. |
Draft4 | data_type_schema.json | DATS Data Type schema | The nature of the data, as determined for the information collected, the method used and the platform used. |
Draft4 | data_standard_schema.json | DATS data standard schema | A format, reporting guideline, terminology. It is used to indicate whether the dataset conforms to a particular community norm or specification. |
Draft4 | data_repository_schema.json | DATS data repository schema | A repository or catalog of datasets. It could be a primary repository or a repository that aggregates data existing in other repositories. |
Draft4 | data_analysis_schema.json | DATS data analysis schema | Process (or activity) of transforming data and producing data. |
Draft4 | data_acquisition_schema.json | DATS data acquisition schema. | Process (or activity) of generating data through measurement made with specific techniques. |
Draft4 | consent_info_schema.json | DATS consent information schema | Information about a consent code. Consent information schema can refer to one or more License object(s) and can be used to annotate DATS.Material, for fine grained control, or DATS.StudyGroup for coarser annotation |
Draft4 | category_values_pair_schema.json | DATS extension mechanism | Extension mechanism for DATS, which allows to add extra properties to the entities. It should be used only for cases where there are no specific properties to deal with the desired property. |
Draft4 | biological_entity_schema.json | DATS biological entity schema | A biological entity is a recognized entity covering biological process, molecular functions or cellular components (from: http://geneontology.org/). |
Draft4 | annotation_schema.json | DATS annotation schema | A pair of value (string or numeric) with a corresponding ontology term (IRI), if applicable. |
Draft4 | anatomical_part_schema.json | DATS anatomical part schema | A structure that is part of a multicellular organism. |
Draft4 | alternate_identifier_info_schema.json | DATS alternate identifier information schema | Information about an alternate identifier (other than the primary). |
Draft4 | activity_schema.json | DATS activity (or process) schema. | A type of process scheduled in a study. |
Draft4 | access_schema.json | DATS access schema | Information about resources that provide the means to obtain an asset (a dataset or other research object). |