Draft7tag.json-Allows adding metadata to a single tag.
Draft7specificationextension.json-Any property starting with x- is valid.
Draft7servervariable.json-An object representing a Server Variable for server URL template substitution.
Draft7servers.json-An object representing multiple servers.
Draft7serverbindingsobject.json-Map describing protocol-specific definitions for a server.
Draft7server.json-An object representing a message broker, a server or any other kind of computer program capable of sending and/or receiving data.
Draft7securityscheme.json-Defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations.
Draft7securityrequirements.json-An array representing security requirements.
Draft7schema.json-The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. This object is a superset of the JSON Schema Specification Draft 07. The empty schema (which allows any instance to validate) MAY be represented by the boolean value true and a schema which allows no instance to validate MAY be represented by the boolean value false.
Draft7reference.json-A simple object to allow referencing other components in the specification, internally and externally.
Draft7parameters.json-JSON objects describing re-usable channel parameters.
Draft7parameter.json-Describes a parameter included in a channel address.
Draft7operationtrait.json-Describes a trait that MAY be applied to an Operation Object. This object MAY contain any property from the Operation Object, except the action, channel and traits ones.
Draft7operations.json-Holds a dictionary with all the operations this application MUST implement.
Draft7operationreplyaddress.json-An object that specifies where an operation has to send the reply
Draft7operationreply.json-Describes the reply part that MAY be applied to an Operation Object. If an operation implements the request/reply pattern, the reply object represents the response message.
Draft7operationbindingsobject.json-Map describing protocol-specific definitions for an operation.
Draft7operation.json-Describes a specific operation.
Draft7oauth2flows.json-Allows configuration of the supported OAuth Flows.
Draft7oauth2flow.json-Configuration details for a supported OAuth Flow
Draft7multiformatschema.json-The Multi Format Schema Object represents a schema definition. It differs from the Schema Object in that it supports multiple schema formats or languages (e.g., JSON Schema, Avro, etc.).
Draft7messagetrait.json-Describes a trait that MAY be applied to a Message Object. This object MAY contain any property from the Message Object, except payload and traits.
Draft7messages.json-JSON objects describing the messages being consumed and produced by the API.
Draft7messageobject.json-Describes a message received on a given channel and operation.
Draft7messagebindingsobject.json-Map describing protocol-specific definitions for a message.
Draft7infoextensions.json-The object that lists all the extensions of Info
Draft7info.json-The object provides metadata about the API. The metadata can be used by the clients if needed.
Draft7externaldocs.json-Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
Draft7correlationid.json-An object that specifies an identifier at design time that can used for message tracing and correlation.
Draft7contact.json-Contact information for the exposed API.
Draft7components.json-An object to hold a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the AsyncAPI specification. All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the API unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.
Draft7channels.json-An object containing all the Channel Object definitions the Application MUST use during runtime.
Draft7channelmessages.json-A map of the messages that will be sent to this channel by any application at any time. **Every message sent to this channel MUST be valid against one, and only one, of the message objects defined in this map.**
Draft7channelbindingsobject.json-Map describing protocol-specific definitions for a channel.
Draft7channel.json-Describes a shared communication channel.
Draft7avroschema_v1.jsonAvro Schema DefinitionJson-Schema definition for Avro AVSC files.
Draft7asyncapi.jsonAsyncAPI 3.0.0 schema.-
Draft7anyschema.json-An object representing either a schema or a multiFormatSchema based on the existence of the 'schema' property. If the property 'schema' is present, use the multi-format schema. Use the default AsyncAPI Schema otherwise.